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Hedge Funds

Manage the entire investment lifecycle

Powering end-to-end workflows for growing Hedge Funds.


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De-risk your business

Move data from disparate spreadsheets into a consolidated, controlled environment.

Universal asset coverage

Our asset-agnostic data model supports onboarding even the most complex investments such as commodities, derivatives and securitised products.

Plug-and-play design

Easily add modules and integrations which streamline all front, middle, and back-office workflows without interrupting normal fund operations.

Vendor agnostic approach

FINBOURNE replicates the data models of all systems and market data vendors, creating a unified, consistent and mastered data model for effortless interoperability.

Adopt next-generation technologies

Open platform with multiple software development kits to allow the full usage of AI and data science across an entire firm.

Bi-temporal data model

Captures every change over time, empowering users to seamlessly travel back to any historical point and restore precise, time-stamped data with confidence.

Case study

FINBOURNE and OMBA: An efficient, scalable platform for an agile, high-growth business

In this client success story, we explore how OMBA dealt with the challenge of managing vast volumes of data by embracing the technology.

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Supporting some of 
the world's largest institutions, including:

Our clients trust our solutions to give investment and operations teams the data insight and core functionality they need to drive success across the entire investment lifecycle.

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